Cvent Product News Team
Integrations / APIs Surveys

Actionable Insights News for 04 September 2024

AUTHOR: Cvent Product News Team

Top News: Compliance logging, REST API, and Survey updates.

The product team is working to deliver products and features that drive your actionable insights and improve your Cvent experience.


Compliance Logging in Attendee Hub

We're launching a new Compliance Logging API that allows organizations with specific compliance requirements to automatically access and monitor transcripts of planner and attendee communications. This feature enables customers to integrate with their internal archival systems for efficient data retrieval, saving time and reducing manual effort. This key feature enhances our platform's appeal, especially within the financial services sector.

Who is this feature built for (and who is not built for)?

Compliance Logging is designed especially for clients in the Financial Services sector, including banks and credit unions, to help them efficiently monitor and archive all necessary communications in adherence to SEC regulations. However, this tool has not been developed for planners seeking to analyze sentiment or download social images. Its primary function is to support regulatory compliance needs in the financial industry.
In this first release, the following Attendee Hub-specific communication types will be supported:

  • Emails (includes all event email communications), Session Chat, Exhibitor Chat, Text Discussions, 1:1 and Group Messaging

What to know:

  • To connect to this API, custom integration is highly recommended. Customers should, therefore, engage in our existing custom integration process for scoping and implementation. For more information, visit the Cvent Developer Portal and contact your account team.

  • This platform-level API, designed to support communication across multiple products, currently excludes certain communication types but will expand over time, considering Attendee Hub-specific types like Notifications and Live Q&A and use-cases beyond strictly Attendee Hub functionality.

  • We strongly recommend that organizations that leverage this API collect explicit consent from attendees upon login to Attendee Hub, informing them that their communications are being monitored. They can collect this consent via our Terms of Use feature.

  • Expected Release Date: 4 September, 2024

REST API Application Termination Protection

Developers can now protect critical applications from accidental deletion by enabling termination protection. This will help planners and developers protect critical integrations from unintended outages and disruptions.

Configure termination protection when creating or editing an application:

  • Expected Release Date: 4 September, 2024


Monthly Registration Usage Details

Planners and internal Cvent account team members can now access the Surveys Monthly Registration Usage Details report, which breaks down registration grouped by month within their account. This new report allows planners and internal teams to more easily understand and track survey usage on a per-registrant basis.

Key points:

  • Only events with surveys will be accounted for in this report

  • The date of consumption will be equivalent to the survey creation date or invitee registration date, whichever is later

  • When the event registration is in pending status, the registrations will not be counted

  • If the registrant is substituted, we only count once

  • If the registrant is canceled after the event is active, they will still be counted

  • If the registrant is pending approval after the event is active, they are counted

The search will return the data based on the consumption date and include the following key data points as default fields in the report view:

  • Attendee Fields: Full Name, Email Address, Registration Date, Consumption Date, Invitee Status

  • Survey Fields: Survey Title, Survey Type, Survey Code

  • Event Fields: Event Title, Event Type, Event Start Date

Default view of the report:

Expanded view for a given grouped month:

  • Expected Release Date: 4 September, 2024

Visit our Community with questions

Do you have questions about anything we've rolled out in this window? As always, you can get product questions answered in the Cvent Community via the Open Forum. You got this far, so consider yourself well-informed!

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