Cvent Product News Team
    Abstract Management Event Management Platform Exhibitor Management Registration

    Plan & Promote News for 08 May 2024

    AUTHOR: Cvent Product News Team

      Top News: Session sharing within the Agenda widget and more

      The product team has 3 big improvements they're working to deliver in this window that we know you’re going to love:

      1. Session sharing within the Agenda widget - This new feature allows the creation and sharing of personalized, filtered session lists to maximize engagement and drive registrations. You will need to enable the feature in Site Designer and publish the changes.

        Personalized Session Curation: You can now curate a list of sessions with specific filters and share this as a unique link via email, social media platforms, marketing campaigns, etc. This will ensure guests receive a tailored view of the most relevant sessions.

        Direct Sharing Capabilities: This simplifies the view of sessions, making it straightforward for guests to see the content that is most likely to interest and engage them.

        Enhanced User and Guest Experience: Enabling you to share a filtered view ensures that you and your audience have a focused and streamlined experience.

      2. Updates to Website Theme User Permissions - We're making updates to the existing Website Theme user permission. Our changes will give administrators more control over what theming and styling decisions your users can make while working in the event site designer. This will help empower users to make autonomous decisions while admins ensure brand standards are being maintained across their event content.

        Phase 1 Expected Release Date: 08 May, 2024

        Phase 2 Expected Release Date: 22 May, 2024

        Existing user permission

        • Currently, there are two access levels for Website Theme: Full Access and No Access.

        • Users with Full Access have unrestricted access to theming and styling settings. They can make edits in the global theming panel and can make overrides at the section and widget levels. This access level should be assigned to users that are in charge of making branding decisions and need complete control over website styling.

        • Users with No Access aren't able to edit or even view the global theming panel, but they still have the ability to edit style settings at the section and widget levels, which override the global settings. These overrides may negatively impact the site's branding.

        Upcoming changes

        • Users with No Access will no longer have the ability to edit style settings at the section and widget levels - this means they won't see any theme-related settings anywhere in the event site designer. This access level is ideal for users who have specific tasks in the site designer that are completely independent from theming, such as configuring an event's registration logic.

        • We'll also be introducing a new access level called Choose from Account Themes. Users with this access level will be able to select from existing global themes in the account but won't be able to edit or delete them. At the section level, they won't see any additional style settings. At the widget level, they'll be able select from the applied styles that have been defined as a part of the selected global theme, but they won't be able to make any additional customizations. This access level is ideal for users who are in charge of designing an event website or registration form, but who aren't permitted to make decisions about branding

        Release Phases

        • To give admin users time to make updates to their user role definitions, our changes will be released in two phases:

        • Phase 1 - The new Choose from Account Themes access level will be released. Users that are assigned to Full Access or No Access won't experience any changes during this phase.

        • Phase 2 - Users assigned to No Access will be no longer see style settings at the section or widget level. Users with Full Access or Choose from Account Themes access won't experience any changes during this phase.

      3. New Security Setting for File Upload Questions - We're introducing a new setting for File Upload registration questions called "Secure File Uploads." The setting will provide more control over how the files uploaded by attendees are being stored.

        By default, the new setting will be off, and files uploaded by attendees will be accessible to anyone who has the link to that file without going through any authentication.

        If you turn the setting on, files uploaded by attendees will be accessible only by logged in account users. This is controlled at the individual question level and will not apply to any previously uploaded files and they will remain accessible to anyone with the URL of the file.

        The setting is found in the configuration panel for the File Upload registration question. To access, you first need to add a File Upload question to a registration page.

        From there, they can find the new setting in the question's configuration panel.

      3 additional improvements to make your job easier

      If you thought the above items are exciting, wait until you see what else the team plans to release in the next launch window:

      • Exhibitor Profile Settings Update - You can decide which exhibitors to grant access to manage and update their profiles. This provides more flexibility in how your event is configured, whether you need more or less control over an exhibitor's profile data.

      • Universal-session API will accept HTML in the Session Description - You can now create formatted session descriptions using our session APIs with matching functionality to the setting edit within the planner interface. Editor is an acceptable input within the 'Create Session' and 'Update Session' API calls.

      • Name, Expiration Credit Card Information Added to List Transactions REST API - Support for the Name on Credit Card and Expiration Date in the List Transactions endpoint is now available. You can now fetch additional information about transactions without manually having to upload the transaction data.

      Visit our Community with questions

      Questions about anything we’ve rolled out in this window? As always, you can get product questions answered in the Cvent Community via the Open Forum. Also, attend our quarterly Product Update Live Q&A webinar where our product team is on the call to answer questions live!

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