Cvent Product News Team
    Plan & Promote
    Event Management Platform Exhibitor Management Registration

    Plan & Promote News for 18 December 2024

    AUTHOR: Cvent Product News Team

      The last releases of the year - but some of the best!

      Top News: Exhibitor MFA, Vanity URLs, and more

      The product team has 3 big improvements they're working to deliver in this window that we know you’re going to love:

      1. Exhibitor Portal: Multi-Factor Authentication Support - With this release, you can enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) support for Exhibitor Admins logging into the Exhibitor Portal for their event. This additional verification requirement adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that Exhibitor Admins provide a valid verification code sent directly to their email.

        Key Highlights:

        • By default, this feature will be disabled, and you can choose if it's enabled for the entire account or specific events.

        • Exhibitor Admins logging in will still need to enter a valid email and password when enabled. Once verified, they will need to enter a valid verification code if the event they are trying to access has MFA enabled.

        • When enabled, a six-digit verification code is sent to the Exhibitor Admin's email address

        • The verification code is valid for 15 minutes and is unique every time it's requested.

        • Users have 10 attempts to enter the correct verification code before being locked out.

        • Once logged into an event, if the Exhibitor Admin tries to switch to another event with MFA enabled, they will be required to enter a new verification code.

      2. New homepage for Pay-as-you-go Events - Introducing a brand-new homepage feature for Pay-as-you-go events, specifically designed to simplify onboarding and guide you seamlessly through creating, launching, and managing your first event.

        Expected Release Date: 04 December, 2024

        All new and existing Pay-as-you-go customers will see this homepage immediately after logging in and can return to this homepage from any other page in the application by clicking on the “Cvent” logo in the top left corner of the global navigation. 

        Step 1: A Clear Starting Point 

        • When you login in for the first time, you will be directed to the new homepage which is divided into three primary sections to drive engagement: Main Widget, Support Access and Actionable Widgets. 

        • Main Widget: Here you will find a clear starting point for your event setup journey, alongside a preview of upcoming tasks. 

        • Support Access: This is where you will find easy access to support and customer service links.

        • Actionable Widgets: Additional widgets at the bottom encourage profile setup and other important actions to ensure event readiness. 

        Step 2: Guiding Progress 

        • The page dynamically updates to highlight the next step once you complete the creation of your first event. 

        Step 3: Celebrating Completion 

        • You’ve completed launching your first event! You can now focus on any other quick actions you might need specific to your organization's event.

      3. Vanity URLs and URL Page Names for Website Pages - Given the importance of maintaining brand trust across the promotional efforts for an event, you can now control the URL name of individual website pages that will appear in the URLs for an attendee's browser if they're using the branding package and have a Custom Domain rather than having alpha-numerical string identifiers that may be confusing to attendees.

        • If using the Branding Package, a new field is present in the settings of a Website page called "URL page name." This field will be pre-filled based on the pre-existing name of the page for any events already created, but may be changed by event organizers. It is a required field in order to recognize pages across Weblinks.

        • The existing event "trailing name" field is still present on the Weblinks page when configuring the Custom Domain; this will remain the trailing name for the event.

        • URL names for Website pages must be unique and free from unusable characters in URL formats. Validations are in place to prevent issues.

      One additional improvement to make your job easier

      If you thought the above items are exciting, wait until you see what else the team plans to release in the next launch window:

      • Choice Question Answers in Registration Questions Endpoint - The latest REST API enhancement allows you to retrieve answer values for choice-based registration questions via the Registration Questions endpoint. This will help you better understand the possible responses to questions.

      Other news that may interest you...

      Date Change - Search Bar Added to Session List will now be released December 18th. Read more about this release.

      Date Change: The Accessibility Update for Images in Event Site Designer will now be released at a later date/TBD. Read more about this release.

      Did you miss our live Q4 2024 Product News Update Webinar earlier this month? Catch the recording here. Special guest VP of Product Development McNeel Keenan shared his thoughts on AI and the priorities driving our product roadmap, in addition to our usual summary of launched releases and what's coming up next.

      Visit our Community with questions

      Questions about anything we’ve rolled out this window? As always, get questions answered in the Community via the Open Forum.

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