Cvent Product News Team

    SPOTLIGHT: Audience Segments in Registration

    AUTHOR: Cvent Product News Team

      Save time using new Audience Segments to tailor experience/communications for special groups

      We’re highlighting a brand-new feature -- Audience Segments in Registration -- which enables event organizers to create custom groups to more accurately target communications and marketing efforts -- with separate segmentation controls for both before and after registration.

      Audience Segments use Highlights:

      • Email Filters: Use new Audience Segment filters to send custom event emails to targeted groups. These new filters will appear on the Email Detail page. Sample use cases: Send invite emails for an exclusive dinner to your “VIP” and “Executive” segments or send a special customized end-of-day event recap email to your “Marketer” audience.  

      • Session Visibility in Registration:  Enhance an attendee’s experience by providing them with a unique agenda. Control visibility to optional sessions for select audiences to customize their journey.

        • Session access is based on the attendee's Reg Type, Admission Items, or Audience Segment, ensuring they only see sessions relevant to their profile.

        • Event organizers must pre-assign Audience Segment(s) prior to registration. When an invitee registers, they will only see sessions set as visible to my assigned segment(s) (in addition to Registration Type/Admission Item).

        • Up to 25 audience segments can be associated with a session, and visibility controls will be available for all events.

      • Filter attendees: Apply Audience Segment(s) as a filter on the planner-side Attendee List page to give planners greater control in managing attendees with bulk actions, such as updating session registrants, printing badges, etc. An attendee can be part of up to 50 audience segments, which should reduce the need to create numerous extra Registration Types.

      Reporting Enhancements too:
      To report on your segments, run the Registrant Details report and add the Audience Segments field.  Audience Segments will also be available as a new field in the following OnArrival reports: OnArrival Terms and Conditions Consent Details, OnArrival Signature Details, and Badge Printed with OnArrival History.


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