- Cvent Product News Team
Weekly Releases - 05 January, 2023
Attendee Hub
Website & App Builder: Pages Enhancement (More Menu)
From the Pages menu in App Builder, you will be able to view and configure the "More" tab display a custom page set up or not, so you can arrange the content in the more tab to your preferences.

App Profile Edit Enhancement
This is a refresh of the existing Profile Edit experience for attendees. The profile edit enhancement feature provides a more flexible experience so that the attendee can highlight their uniqueness and therefore entice others to connect with them.
Attendees can now add social media and personal website URLs and can control their entire profile, including the ability to remove field values, if they choose.

Travel Details on Event App
Attendees can now see their travel information (flight and/or hotel) when logged into the event app. This includes attendees' confirmed hotel reservations & confirmed flight bookings (including multiple legs, if applicable).
The builder functionality allows you to choose to only show flight or hotel information based on requirements.

Document Sharing
Added the ability for you to enable or disable document sharing at event level by switching a toggle on/off. This control is in the Event Privacy menu in App Builder and will be applied to speaker, session, and exhibitor documents. When document sharing is disabled, an attendee will not be able to download event documents on AH web or Event App.
Session Live Streaming on Event App
In a post-COVID 19 world, many events have a virtual component to complement the in-person event, so the need to provide this experience on a phone is more important than ever. Streaming a session directly within that app provides the attendee the ability to stay engaged with the event and live session while on-the-go.

Game Template Update
The Game template has been reconfigured to be more generic and applicable to all types of events, in-person, virtual, and hybrid. This is part of our larger effort to ensure that the Game feature can be used to increase engagement and adoption of the Attendee Hub experience for all events.

Speakers Page for Attendee Website
Attendees will be able to view a 'Speakers' page under the Schedule navigation grouping which displays a list of all the speakers in the event set to display at attendees. The speakers first name, last name, designation, title, and company will display initially and clicking on a speaker's name will open the speaker's biography with additional information for the attendee to review. Attendees will be able to search and sort the list by speakers first or last name and filter by featured speakers.

Single Sign On per Registration Path for Attendee Website
Support for SSO per Registration Path in Attendee Hub will allow you to send your attendees down different login paths whether that be typical verification codes or OAuth, based on their registration type.
Spend & Workflow
Card Management Notification Delivery
You can now run a report from Admin > Reports > Event Audit Reports > Card Management Notification Delivery. The report returns a list of card notifications sent along with related information
Send Status
Notification recipient
Date Sent
Card details, etc.

Corporate Meeting Payment Solutions from American Express in New Budget
American Express can now be a virtual card in New Budget. The new Amex APIs allow to expand the virtual meeting corporate card integration to global markets

Virtual Card Integration - Currency conversion flow enhancement in New Budget
New currency conversion flow allows you to convert virtual/plastic card transaction amounts into the currency of the respective budget item.

Session Terms & Conditions
OnArrival will now support multiple terms and questions at the event, and session level - and support for assigning T&C questions to specific registration types and/or sessions. The existing OnArrival Terms & Conditions report will allow you to view responses for both event and session level terms & conditions questions.

Kiosk Closed
This allows for the ability to display default or customized "closed" message in kiosk mode when kiosk is not being used. This feature is accessed via tapping "Mark Kiosk as Closed" in the kiosk admin panel.

Diagramming and Seating
Collapsible Individual Favorites Sections
Clicking the icon next to the Favorites header now allows users to collapse or expand individual favorites sections (Team Favorites or My Favorites).