Cvent Product News Team
Access Portal Attendee Hub Supplier Network Surveys Travel

Weekly Releases - 10 February, 2023

AUTHOR: Cvent Product News Team

Attendee Hub

All Session List Custom Filters (Event App)

Session custom filters configured in App Builder will now display on the event app

Attendee Hub Web Alt Text Support 

You will be able to add, edit, and delete alternative text for Attendee Hub images directly in App Builder and attendees using screen reader technologies will be able to take advantage of this alternative text to better understand the context of an image displayed on the Attendee Hub web application.

Attendee Hub Consumption Reports

We have released new Attendee Hub reports to all you to keep track of your account's usage in terms of how many events and registrations are being consumed from a contractual perspective, to reconcile these details, when needed.

In addition to the existing "Attendee Hub - Monthly Event Summary" report, the new reports include:

·       Attendee Hub - Monthly Registration Summary

·       Attendee Hub - Monthly Registration Details


Event Survey Permissions

An administrator will now configure user roles permissions for Basic and Premium surveys. You can configure the following permissions:

·       Basic event surveys

·       Premium event surveys

·       Create a new survey

·       Copy a survey

·       Assessments

Supplier Network

Vendor Recommendations on Awarding a Venue

You will now see a set of 4 recommended vendors on the RFP award success screen when awarding a Venue RFP. With this, you can send a Vendor RFI to these vendors within 2 clicks. You can also click the "Browse Vendors" option to start fresh on Vendor Marketplace and browse the vendor inventory.

Cvent Travel

Hotel Directory Platform Upgrade

Hotel Directory is upgrading to a new platform. The new platform is faster, more accessible, and will provide a more consistent look and feel. As part of the upgrade, travelers will now be able to see all office locations within their search area.

Meetings Management

Retract the "Decline" action on a venue's proposal in Access Portal

After a venue submits a proposal, you can award or decline that proposal. If you decline, but later want to withdraw the action, you can now retract your previous decline on the RFP management page in Access Portal and the proposal will go back to a Submitted Proposal status.

Download Proposal in Access Portal

With this release, you can download Proposals for Simple RFP in Access Portals to share it offline with the other stakeholders.

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