Cvent Product News Team
    Attendee Hub Events+ Integrations / APIs Registration Supplier Network Webinar

    Weekly Releases - 15 June, 2023

    AUTHOR: Cvent Product News Team

      No releases last week but a bunch this week? You might notice this more often. We have some changes to our releases coming soon, stay tuned for an exciting announcement at Cvent Connect. In the meantime, enjoy our enhancements

      Attendee Hub

      Pre-Recorded Session Videos in Event App

      Within the Attendee Hub Event App, you will be able to give attendees the ability to virtually attend recorded sessions remotely and on the go.

      Session Chat History

      Session registrants will be able to view the history of the session chat after the chat has closed, allowing them to feel connected and engaged with conversation that happened during the live session chat. This will also allow you to review the session chat for reviewing feedback, gauging audience interest, or follow up on any comments.

      Magic Link Authentication for Web

      Streamline your attendees access to Attendee Hub through magic link authentication. You now have the option to add a magic link to any post registration email. This attendee specific button generates a personalized link that when clicked, bypasses the manual login experience into Attendee Hub. Including the magic link in your post registration emails will provide a 1-click access to Attendee Hub, reducing friction and increasing event participation.

      Audience Segments - Enhancements

      We're thrilled to announce some exciting enhancements to Audience Segments!

      • Duplicate Audience Segments and copy attendee assignments

      • Duplicate Audience Segments in Event copy wizard

      • Enforced limits on attendee assignments

      Buttons on Single Internal Link Cards

      Custom internal link cards will now display a call-to-action button, rather than hyperlinked text, on the home page of the Attendee Hub website, creating a more cohesive and intuitive experience for attendees when navigating. By displaying the clickable text as a button, internal link custom cards now look the same as other automatically created cards that exist today.

      Embedded Collaborative Sessions

      Introducing an embedded solution for the collaborative sessions in Attendee Hub which enables hosts, speakers, moderators, and attendees to stay and collaborate within Attendee Hub.

      Events+ (Formerly Video Center)

      Video Subtitle Editor

      We have released a new subtitle editor for working with Cvent Videos within the video library. This editor allows you to edit video subtitles in all languages directly from the Cvent platform without having to edit in a separate application.

      • Quickly review and edit video subtitles

      • Create new subtitles on existing file without uploading a new one

      • Multi-language support

      Visibility & Visitor Permissions

      Visibility provides you with an option to control when a visitor can see event content and on demand video across the site.


      Google Analytics Version 4

      We have upgraded the built-in Google Analytics integration to support the latest version, Google Analytics 4. This gives you:

      • A new option to choose Google Analytics 4 to track conversion and sales for events to make informed decisions.

      • Support now available in Google Analytics modal under Weblinks. Select the Google Analytics 4 option and add Measurement ID to start tracking

      • You no longer have to use Code Snippets to use the latest Google Analytics version


      Banner Image

      You can now include a custom banner image that will display on the Webinar landing page to help create a consistent visual identity and build brand recognition.

      Video Reactions

      Participants can now express their sentiments during a webinar through a variety of emojis. Speakers, hosts, and moderators will be able to see real-time feedback from participants to make adjustments or gain confidence in the presentation.


      Webex Integration Enhancements

      You can now set up and activate your Webex integration in a self-service manner.

      Supplier Network

      Link to view proposal in Bid Comparison Reports

      "View Proposal" will be a new reporting field under the Venue Information category which be pull in a hyperlink to view the full standard or custom proposal from that venue. If the venue submitted a smart custom proposal, the link will include an additional indicator letting the planner know the bid was sent with a customized template.

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