Cvent Product News Team
    Appointments Events+ Exhibitor Management Supplier Network

    Weekly Releases - 16 March, 2023

    AUTHOR: Cvent Product News Team

      It's the Luck of the Irish This week we've brought you some releases that feel like a pot of gold! 


      Add Private Notes from Calendar

      If you are creating and updating meetings on behalf of others via the Planner Calendar, you can now include any pertinent information via Private Notes. Add a private note for the host and other participants to streamline information regarding an appointment, reducing the need for hosts or attendees to go to multiple places to prepare.

      Video Center

      Video Storage Enforcement

      Video Storage limits are now being enforced. If you go over 100% video storage capacity, you will now be able to upload new videos or generate new recordings until capacity is available again.

      To make space, you can either delete the old/existing videos or purchase more storage space from Cvent.

      Exhibitor Management

      Exhibitor Portal branding

      You will have the ability to apply event branding to the exhibitor portal. This includes adding an event logo for the exhibitor portal and portal login screen and adding an event banner to appear on the home page

      Supplier Network

      Download RFP in Word Format

      When creating RFPs, you can now download and share these RFPs in word format with any stakeholder that may or may not be using Cvent Application.

      RFP and Bids Report

      You no longer have to download the RFP and Bids individually and can download them as one report based on the selected venues.

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