Cvent Product News Team
    Attendee Hub Events+ Integrations / APIs Registration Vendor Marketplace powered by Reposite

    Weekly Releases - 6 April, 2023

    AUTHOR: Cvent Product News Team

      This week we are bringing you all some long awaited releases. We hope you are excited as we are!

      Attendee Hub

      Profile Design Controls

      Configure the design of attendee/speaker profiles to better align with your event's branding and styling to further curate the attendee experience with minimal effort.

      Community Page Recommendations & Profile Block (Web)

      Community page features that provide attendees the unique ability to view recommendations based on similar profile attributes and session attendance. Attendees will be encouraged complete their profile and prompt them to go visible so that they can get the most out of their experience with all of the community features.

      Attendee Account Deletion

      This feature will allow Attendees to request their account to be deleted through the app and will notify you that an Attendee has requested account deletion through an email.

      Branded App Builder

      If you are building a branded custom app, you can add app information and manage branding within Cvent creating a self-service builder experience.

      Push Notifications: Support for Audience Segments

      Audience Segments are now available as part of Push Notifications. Better engage your audience by providing tailored information effectively and efficiently. Simply create a segment, assign attendees, and confidently reach any group of attendees you create. Attendees will receive your notifications just like any other push notification but perfectly curated to their experience.

      Video Center

      Embedded Registration

      Members can register for events directly in Video Center. This will allow members to register for events in one centralized location.

      Login/Registration Improvement

      You can now directly login to events, display logic, and join live events or sessions joining in Attendee Hub. This will allow members to get more direct access to events and sessions.

      Upcoming Events

      This shows a list of upcoming events that a member can browse and register for.

      Connections for Video Center

      Connections made across events now are available even on Video Center. Member's will be able to view their connections, 'Accept' or 'Ignore' a connections request.


      Limit Guest capacities by Admission Item

      This allows you to have more granular control over the number of guests registrants can bring. This can be especially useful for cases like Sponsor or Exhibitor registration, which previously had to be handled through a combination of many registration types, admission items, and registration paths.

      Prevent Group Leader from accessing Group Member Details

      We are introducing a new toggle in the Registration path settings called the "Allow Group Visibility" toggle. This would allow you to:

      ·       Restrict the group leader from viewing Group Member details added to the group by Admin or themselves during initial registration.

      ·       Control if a group leader can add additional group members from the post-registration page.

      ·       Restrict the group leader from being able to clear any balance due on a group member's behalf.

      ·       Stop any communications made on behalf of group members to the group leader.

      Registration Path Language Management

      You can now customize the text for each registration path from Language Management. This can be done by going to Marketing > Language Management and selecting the Registration Path from the drop down on the page. The selection of the registration path will also apply to the text import


      New Integration with Zoom Events

      You can now link a Zoom Event with a Cvent event and leverage Registration capabilities to drive attendees to the Zoom event experience.

      Cvent Salesforce App v7.1

      With this release you will now have the ability to the sync invitation email statuses. You can choose if you want to sync Invitation Sent, Invitation Opened, and Invitation Bounced, and them map them to campaign member statuses or use them in a custom automation

      Vendor Marketplace

      Vendor Marketplace globally

      If you are outside of North America, you will be able to access Vendor Marketplace and send Vendor RFIs to vendors across the globe.

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