Cvent Product News Team
    Event Management Platform Exhibitor Management Registration Speaker Resource Center

    Plan & Promote News for 14 February 2024

    AUTHOR: Cvent Product News Team

      Top News: Exhibitor Dashboards, Session Description enhancements and more

      The product team has 3 big releases they're working to deliver in this window that we know you’re going to love this Valentine's day:

      1. Session Description enhancement for redesigned Agenda widget - We have made some improvements to the session description within the redesigned Agenda widget.

        • The session description can now be configured to displayed in one of three ways for the list view:

          • Truncated description – where up to three lines of text will be displayed and trigger a 'view more' button if the full description is longer than the three lines. This is also an option for tile view while limited to two lines of text.

          • Plain text truncated description - similarly to truncated description this limits the view to three lines of text but does not show rendered HTML.

          • Full description - this setting shows the full description on the card. This option is not available to tile view.

        • The "View More" button shows when the description contains more text than what is displayed. This button has a customization menu, and the label text can be changed via language management.

        • The last line of text contains a fade to help visually indicate that more text is available when triggering the individual session pop-up.

        For events that already have a published website with the Agenda widget on it, the widget will need to be removed then a new version will need to be added to take advantage of these enhancements.

      2. Exhibitor Portal Dashboards - With this feature, you will have more insights into their event with an updated Exhibitor Portal Overview experience. These new Exhibitor Portal dashboards present the most relevant information to the Exhibitor Admins at the right time, whether before, during, or after their event. This will increase engagement and help to make better informed decisions based on relevant real-time data. Key Highlights:

        • Before the event starts, the updated Overview page will encourage the exhibitors to complete their profile, tasks and add content for their exhibitor booth to be shared through Attendee Hub & Event App.

        • As the event begins, the Exhibitor Portal surfaces new exhibitor engagement metrics that were previously only available through reports. It will highlight insights that are most relevant to their event, e.g. Leads captured & qualified, content engagement & attendee interactions with their exhibitor booth.

        • Certain dashboard data will only appear if the planner has enabled those feature settings for that exhibitor. Exhibitors can also run detailed reports from these widgets to dig deeper into those specific insights.

        • Once available, this update will appear for all exhibitors in the Exhibitor Portal.

      3. Cvent Payments - Required Changes to Onboarding Fields -

        We are making changes to the Cvent Payments (CP) onboarding configuration to comply with updated regulations set by our payment gateway. Existing CP merchant accounts should be updated by April 16, 2024 to continue accepting payments without interruption.

        The changes are as follows:

        • Statement Descriptor - This is the phrase which attendees will see on their credit card or bank statement to explain the charge. With this release, the descriptor is separated into two fields, a prefix and a suffix.

          • Statement Descriptor Prefix (new): This is a free-form text field that must be similar to the company name, URL, or legal entity. The prefix is static for all charges made using the CP merchant account.

          • Statement Descriptor Suffix (existing): This is an existing field; the label is changing for clarity. It's a drop-down from which the user can select from several options, such as event name, company name, registration confirmation number, etc. The suffix is dynamically set at the time of the charge.

          • Membership Statement Descriptor Suffix (existing): Same as the suffix above, the label is changing for clarity. It's a drop-down used specifically for Membership events.

        • Business Address for Sole Proprietors & Single Member LLCs - Businesses of these types must now provide a business address. Previously, only a personal address was required.

        • Social Security Number (SSN) Requirements - When businesses process over $500,000 USD in payments, the full 9-digit SSN will become required for the account representative and owner(s). Previously, only the last 4 digits were required. In some additional cases needing further verification, the full 9-digits may also become required.

      2 additional improvements to make your job easier

      If you thought the above items are exciting, wait until you see what else the team plans to release in the next launch window:

      • Improved Placement for N/A and Other default choices in Question widget - We've reversed the placement of "Other" and "N/A" choices in the choice question widget, ensuring that the N/A option is now presented before the Other choice.

      • Passkey Integration Update - Cvent Accounts in the European Data Center - This enhancement allows you to set up events based in the EU and allow your registrants to easily reserve their hotel rooms within room blocks being managed in Passkey by your organization or directly by a Passkey-licensed hotel.

      Other news that may interest you...

      Date Change - Session Overview - Event & Session Comparison will now be released February 14. Read more about this release.

      Visit our Community with questions

      Questions about anything we’ve rolled out in this window? As always, you can get product questions answered in the Cvent Community via the Open Forum. Also, attend our quarterly Product Update Live Q&A webinar where our product team is on the call to answer questions live!

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