Cvent Product News Team
Event Management Platform Exhibitor Management Registration

Plan & Promote News for 24 July 2024

AUTHOR: Cvent Product News Team

Top News: Multi-page Invoicing, Comparing Events Reporting, and more

The product team has 5 big improvements they're working to deliver in this window that we know you’re going to love:

  1. Multi-page Invoice Generation - We're excited to announce the introduction of multi-page invoice generation! This update provides increased flexibility and streamlines the workflow for managing invoices exceeding a single page. Benefits include:

    • Improved Flexibility: Generate detailed invoices without page size constraints.

    • Increased Efficiency: Streamline your invoicing process and avoid manual workarounds.

    • Enhanced User Experience: Make informed decisions with clear page size information.

    The tool will indicate whether your chosen page size supports multi-page invoices. This helps you select the most appropriate format for your needs. If the invoice content exceeds the page dimensions, another page will be added to the invoice automatically.

    The ability to create multi-page invoices will be available for selected page sizes:

    • Letter Landscape (11" x 8.5")

    • Letter Portrait (8.5" x 11")

    • A4 Portrait (210 mm x 297 mm)

    • A4 Landscape (297 mm x 210 mm)

    The new release will work with the existing invoices created with the supported page sizes. The invoices created with other non-supported page sizes will not change.

  2. Registration Insights: Compare Event - Previously, there have been challenges in effectively comparing the registration performance of multiple events, resulting in time-consuming tasks needed to analyze and present data.

    The new “Compare event” feature provides a comprehensive side-by-side view of event registration performance. You start by selecting a baseline event. From there, the system automatically calculates trends across events, eliminating the need for manual data manipulation. Furthermore, you can download the comparison page as a PDF, making it easy to share with stakeholders or include in presentations. You can also pull registration data for a specific time period if you want to compare event statistics for similar points in an event lifecycle.

    With this new feature, you can efficiently analyze and present registration performance data, saving time and effort while enhancing your ability to make informed decisions and communicate effectively with stakeholders.

    • Compare event feature is part of Registration Insights


    • Compare up to 3 events across multiple years

    • Trends are populated within columns based on the baseline event


    • Compare registration performance across events at specific points in time, regardless of differences in event dates or registration periods


    • Compare registration numbers for similar registration types across events, providing insights into how similar groups of invitees are registering for your events


    • Evaluate event ROI by providing revenue breakdowns across events based on registration types and admission items


  3. Registration Insights: Revenue insights - The new revenue tracking feature, which is a part of Registration Insights, provides a comprehensive breakdown of revenue for top registration types and admission items. This allows you to better understand which ticket types are selling the most and which groups of registrants generate the highest income. By leveraging this data, you can make informed decisions on optimizing your event's revenue potential and enhancing overall profitability.

    This feature is an exciting addition to the existing Track Registrations section on the Registration Overview page. Simply toggle ON the “Show revenue” option for the bar charts to dynamically display revenue figures instead of just registration counts.

  4. Registration Process & Travel User Permission Updates - We're adding a new access level for the existing Registration Process & Travel user permission. The new access level will provide a better option for users who need to add content to the event's registration form but aren't permitted to change any registration logic.

    This new permission will be called "Content Only." Users assigned a Content Only role can add and edit content on registration pages, but they won't be able to edit any registration logic-related settings.

    In an event, the "Registration Settings" and "Advanced Rules" pages found under "Registration" will be hidden. In the event site designer, the ability to create a new registration path and to update the settings for an existing one will both be hidden. Logic settings will also be hidden within registration widgets. For example, the "Required" and "Limit available registration types" settings for the Registration Type widget will be hidden for Content Only users.

    By default, no one will experience changes to their access level. If an admin planner wants to utilize the new Content Only access level, they'll need to edit their user role definitions.

  5. Launching and Cancelling Events User Permissions Updates - We're updating the existing Launching and Cancelling Events user permissions. Our changes will give admin planners more granular control over which high-level event actions their users have access to.

    Currently, the following actions are controlled under one user permission called Launching and Cancelling Events

    1. Launching registration

    2. Launching event website

    3. Cancelling an event

    We're replacing this user permission with three new permissions, one for each action. Each new permission will have the same two access levels: No Access and Full Access.

    By separating this into three distinct permissions, users can now have different access for each action. For example, the user below can cancel an event and launch event websites but not launch registration.

    By default, no one will experience changes to their access level - we'll maintain the user's access level for the original permission and automatically apply it to all three new permissions. If an admin planner wants a user's access to differ between the three new permissions, they'll need to edit their user role definitions.


4 additional improvements to make your job easier

If you thought the above items are exciting, wait until you see what else the team plans to release in the next launch window:

  • Registration Timeout Modal - The timeout modal has been updated to ensure attendees know how much time remains in their session. There is also an option to easily extend the amount of time attendees have to complete their registration. The new timeout modal is designed to ensure that all attendees have the time they need to complete their registration, thereby increasing registration conversions.

  • Exhibitor Management: Field Character limit updates - Previously, many of our exhibitor fields had very long character limits or none at all, resulting in challenging guest-side user experiences. This release will update the maximum character limits in both Exhibitor Management and the Exhibitor Portal for the following exhibitor fields. Upon reaching the maximum limit, a message will appear informing the exhibitor that the limit has been reached.

    • Exhibitor Name: 200 characters

    • Exhibitor Task Title: 100 characters

    • Exhibitor Sponsorship Level: 50 characters

    • Device Names: 50 characters

    • Device Codes: 50 characters

    • Exhibitor Content (Files/Videos/Link) Display Name: 50 characters

  • REST API endpoint to fetch Event Weblinks - API Users can now fetch all the weblinks present in an event. This will be made possible through our new REST API endpoint offering called "List event weblinks". This will be a GET endpoint that will allow you to fetch both default and custom created weblinks in an event.

    • The endpoint will be called "List event weblinks".

    • This will retrieve a paginated list of both default and custom created weblinks present in an event.

    • This will also retrieve weblinks with associated custom domains as configured in the event.

    • The retrieved data would include the Name, URL, Landing Page, and Reference ID of the weblinks as created in the event.

    • The link for the Speaker Resource Center (SRC) Home will not be included in the list of weblinks being fetched.

  • Two-Way Passkey Integration update: Bridge ID is now generated upon registration completion - When using the Two-Way Passkey Integration, we will now send the bridge message to Passkey and generate the Bridge ID just after the registration is completed. Previously, the bridge generation was triggered only after the registrant clicked on the "Book Hotel" button on the confirmation page. This caused data discrepancies as the registrants who didn't click the button were not synced to Passkey and their hotel reservation data was not sent back to their attendee record in the event.

    This change will ensure that the attendee data in Passkey and the registration event stay in sync. This will also help any room reservations made in Passkey outside of the integration setup flow back to the correct attendee record.

    • Any events using the integration will automatically be updated to use the new bridge generation logic post the release

      • This will also include the registrations submitted via registration import and Rest API calls

    • Bridge IDs will only be generated for the invitees who have the Passkey widget placed on one of the post registration pages of their registration path

    • Bridge IDs will be generated for all the group members if multiple people are registered together using the group registration (if their paths have the Passkey widget on them)

    • Bridge IDs will not be generated for invitees when they are in "Pending Approval" or "Waitlisted" status

Other news that may interest you...

Date Change - Multiple Sponsorship Level Support for Exhibitors will now be released July 24. Read more about this release.

Visit our Community with questions

Questions about anything we’ve rolled out in this window? As always, you can get product questions answered in the Cvent Community via the Open Forum. Also, save the date for our next quarterly Product News webinar -- planned for Wednesday, August 7 -- where our product team will be on the call to answer questions live!

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