Recently Released
Q4 - 2024

    Jifflenow: Acceptance after decline

    STAGE: Recently Released
    PROJECTED DONE: Q4 - 2024

      When an attendee declines and accepts an invite, their response will be honored and saved in the Jifflenow system, eliminating the need to remove, re-add, and re-invite the attendee.

      Important Cases:

      1. User Accepts After Declining from External Calendars:

        • If the user is available, the system will update their status to "Accepted" in the platform, and requestors and meeting participants will be notified as configured.

        • If the user is booked in another meeting and double booking is disabled, the system will honor the latest action, auto-declining older conflicting meetings. A Cancel ICS will be sent to the user with the message: "Scheduling Conflict: You are unavailable due to a conflict with the recently accepted meeting, <Meeting with> at <Meeting start date and time>." Following this, an email will be sent detailing the conflicting meeting and providing a link to change the RSVP.

      2. User Marked Unavailable:

        • If the user is marked unavailable (in internal or external calendars) or the calendar is blocked, the system will auto-decline the current meeting for the reason "Scheduling Conflict: You are unavailable in this time slot."

        • In both scenarios, the system will decline the specified meetings in the platform and send declined ICS notifications to the user's calendar. These cancel ICS notifications will not delete entries from the user's calendar, allowing them to accept auto-declined meetings if needed.

      3. User Declines from the Platform:

        • If a user is marked as declined in the platform, the system will send a decline ICS that does not delete entries from the user's calendar.

      4. User Booked in Another Meeting with Double Booking Enabled:

        • If double booking is enabled, the system will update the participant status to "Accepted" in the platform, and notifications will be sent to requestors and stakeholders as configured.

      5. Room Capacity Full:

        • The system will ignore capacity checks and accept the invite if the room capacity is full.

      6. User Accepts After Declining from the Platform:

        • The system allows the user to accept the meeting directly. During acceptance, it will check for availability and allow acceptance only if the user is available.

        • If available on the platform or double booking is enabled, the system will send an updated ICS with the user’s RSVP status as "Accepted" to update their calendar.

        • If the user is unavailable or the calendar is blocked, an error message will appear: "You are unavailable in this time slot."

        • If the user is booked in another meeting and double booking is disabled, a pop-up will display conflicting meetings, informing the user that accepting will auto-decline those meetings, requiring confirmation to proceed.

        • If the user is available in the platform but marked unavailable in their personal calendar, or if auto-decline is enabled, the system will update the RSVP status to "Declined" and decline the meeting on the user's behalf, following the existing flow.

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