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    Jifflenow: Allow MMs to edit sessions with active registrations

    STAGE: Recently Released

      In the current system, MMs cannot update sessions with active registrations. This limitation minimizes value for users as changes happen constantly and are a common need. Users must rely on the Jifflenow support team or cancel the session to make changes.


      Introduce a feature that allows MMs to edit sessions with active registrations.

      Edit Call-to-Action (CTA):

      1. A pencil icon will appear when a user hovers over a session in the list.

      2. Clicking the three dots will show the "Go to Details" option for all sessions.

      3. In the session preview pane, the three dots' "Edit abstract" option will be renamed to "Edit session," as users can now edit more than just the abstract.

      Who can update Sessions?

      1. MMs: Yes

      2. JMM with managed access: Yes

      3. JMM with request or participate access: No

      4. Below JMM: No (they cannot request/create sessions, but only register)

      Fields that are allowed to be editable for Sessions (with active or inactive registration):

      1. Date and Time

      2. Time Zone

      3. Abstract

      4. Location

      5. Enable/disable waitlist (for group nominations only): If there are active waitlist registrations, the toggle will be disabled (active or inactive)

      6. Topic

      Non Editable Fields for current scope:

      1. Track

      2. Nomination type

      3. Meeting type

      Update Process:

      1. After clicking the "Update" button, the system would prompt the user if the existing attendees should be notified of the changes. Selecting "Yes," would send the attendees an updated ICS (calendar invitations).

      2. Updating any of the above fields will modify group and self-nominations for the respective session and trigger notification updates, depending on the user's selection.

      3. Updates to group nomination sessions will automatically update respective fields in group nomination meetings and trigger corresponding notifications.

      No updates are triggered for group nominations when the abstract field is updated, which is the existing behavior.

      Notification Updates:

      When meeting fields are updated, notifications should reflect these changes.

      The system will trigger the following notifications (if enabled for the engagement type):

      Self Nominations:

      1. Self Nomination Updated Calendar Invitation (ICS) for internal/external participants

      2. Additional notifications may be introduced based on user feedback

      Group Nominations:

      The following emails should be triggered if enabled for the engagement type:

      1. Group Nomination Update Email (Requestor)

      2. Group Nomination Update Email (MM)

      3. Group Nomination Updated Calendar Invitation (ICS) for internal participants

      4. Group Nomination Updated Calendar Invitation (ICS) for external participants

      All update ICS notifications should be enabled by default for newly created engagement types.


      Session exports, reports, and dashboards should reflect updated session data.

      In Scope: Web platform

      Out of Scope: Updates via mobile

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