- Development
- Q1 - 2025
Jifflenow: Self-service Option to Convert SSO (Single Sign-On) Users into Non-SSO Users
Problem Statement:
Attendees frequently face issues accessing the Jifflenow application during events due to VPN compatibility problems with SSO authentication. Currently, converting SSO users to non-SSO requires manual intervention by the Jifflenow team, which is time-consuming and impractical during live events. This manual process affects attendee experience and event efficiency.
Proposed Solution:
User Profile Access and Login Type Edit:
User Access: Meeting Managers (MMs) at the company level can access a user’s profile in the User Management Module.
Login Type Visibility: Login Type will be displayed as “SSO” in the profile section.
Conversion Action: MMs can click “Edit Profile” to change the Login Type dropdown from “SSO” to “Non-SSO.”
Confirmation and Notification Workflow:
Confirmation Pop-up: Upon saving, a confirmation pop-up will appear.
Success Toast Message: A toast message confirms that the user profile has been updated.
Email Notification: The system sends an email to the user containing a "Set Password" link to establish credentials for Non-SSO login.
Error Handling and Restrictions:
Error Messages: In case of a failure, an error toast message will display with a retry option.
Inactive SSO Users: Inactive SSO users cannot be converted to Non-SSO.
Save/Discard Prompts:
If an MM navigates away or closes the profile without saving changes, the system will prompt them to save or discard changes.
Existing Behavior for Non-SSO Users:
Non-SSO users can switch to SSO by logging in with SSO credentials via the login page.
UI Enhancements and Behavior:
Re-invite CTAs and last login details will reflect updated login types.
Bulk re-invite actions will remain unchanged.
Out of Scope for This Release:
Self-service option for MMs to convert non-SSO to SSO conversion from within the user profile.