
User Access & Permission

STAGE: Design

In order to provide extended user access to Webinar, without requiring full access to Cvent or counting towards their account user allocation, we are introducing new user types tailored specifically for Webinar functionalities. These users will have restricted access, limited solely to the product they have been assigned.

This update will offer a streamlined, user-friendly interface that allows non-technical staff and external event organizers to create and manage events independently, using pre-designed templates, without requiring a full Cvent license.

Key Features:

  • Role-Based Access: Users will be assigned roles specific to their access level (e.g., Webinar User).

  • Limited Access: Users will have access only to webinars and configurations pertinent to their role, without exposure to the broader platform.

  • Role Switching: Administrators can transition users between the specialized user types and the standard Account user role as needed. Note: When a user is changed from a Webinar user to an Account user, they will then count towards the total number of account users.

  • User Allocation: These specialized users will not count towards the standard account user allocation. Instead, they will be placed in a separate category for Webinar users.

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