Q4 - 2024
Meeting Request Form

Workflow Trigger Enhancements

STAGE: Development

With this release, we will be improving how Admin Users manage and visualize Event Role, Visibility and Status Triggers as a part of an organization's meetings management workflow.

First, we are making triggers more powerful and flexible. We're enhancing the filtering and logic features to let you do much more with a single trigger. You'll also be able to define multiple actions in a single trigger, which helps reduce the number of triggers in an account. Before, organizations would often need several triggers configured to achieve an automatic action in Cvent like updating Event Planning Status and assigning event roles.

In addition, we will be enhancing triggers to allow their association to a particular MRF, even when trigger settings are for another object, like the change of an RFP Status or Event Date. Previously, these triggers would apply to all RFPs in your account, regardless of which meeting request was related to that RFP. Now, only those RFPs associated with a particular MRF will result in the trigger firing.

As part of these enhancements, we'll also be making improvements to the way you view all the triggers within your account, helping you better understand at a glance the triggers related to a particular workflow and find just the one you need.

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