The Supplier & Venue Solutions Product News Team
Cvent Supplier Network

Close more luxury businesses with the new redesigned Luxury Sourcing in CSN

AUTHOR: The Supplier & Venue Solutions Product News Team

We are excited to announce that Luxury Sourcing in the Cvent Supplier Network (CSN) has undergone a design overhaul to improve the sourcing experience for planners! This also enables suppliers to better showcase what a luxury meeting/event would look like in their space. Planners will experience dynamic content and an interactive user experience with this new and engaging design update to Luxury Sourcing!

Planners prefer to source luxury spaces without leaving their usual sourcing process. This new product enhancement will allow planners to source any event type within their normal sourcing ecosystem while surfacing the right content directly in the product. It will also enable suppliers to showcase their luxury offerings to planners in an exclusive and separate section of the CSN. 

The redesigned Luxury Sourcing tab will:

  • Help planners look specifically for luxury offerings in CSN when planning for luxury events

  • Increase luxury sourcing across CSN and provide planners with more options for sourcing 

  • Enhance supplier experience when showcasing their luxury offerings 

  • Further cement Cvent's position as a one-stop shop for all sourcing needs

Here are some mock-ups of the new look and feel of Luxury Sourcing for your reference:

We're excited for you to experience this new enhancement and happy to answer any questions you have.

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