The Supplier & Venue Solutions Product News Team
CSN Planner Navigator

Reach out to planners more effectively with the new ‘My Prospects’ in Planner Navigator

AUTHOR: The Supplier & Venue Solutions Product News Team

We are excited to announce the launch of the 'My Prospects' feature, the latest addition to our Planner Navigator tool. This new feature streamlines a hotelier's workflow by making it easier to reach out to planners they discover in Planner Navigator.

One of the key features of 'My Prospects' is the ability to create an unlimited number of lists. These lists can be made private or public, depending on whether you want to keep them for your use or share them with your team. You can also apply planner statuses to simplify tracking, such as 'contacted', 'do not contact', or 'follow up'. These features enable suppliers to quickly identify the important prospects within the tool and simplify tracking.

We understand how crucial it is for suppliers to stay ahead in a highly competitive market. 'My Prospects' is designed to help you do just that by streamlining your workflow, increasing efficiency, and making it easier for you to communicate with planners.

Here is a snapshot of the new feature for your reference.

We hope you take advantage of this exciting new feature and look forward to hearing your feedback. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to write to us.

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