Q4 - 2024

Jifflenow: SSO Login Enhancements

STAGE: Development

For all the SSO-enabled companies, the SSO login button will be prominently placed at the top of the login screen, allowing users to easily access the correct login method without confusion or unnecessary steps.

The SSO login button will be repositioned for clear visibility without requiring any scrolling, ensuring consistency with branding and UI standards.

When an SSO user clicks on the "Forgot Password" option, the system prompts the user to enter their email address, and the button text reads "Send Email" instead of "Send Recovery Link."

When the SSO user submits their email address on the "Forgot Password" page, the system emails them that their company has enabled SSO and instructs them to log in using SSO rather than setting a password.

Currently, the Outlook popup window size is 65%; we will increase it to 80% for better visibility.

Additionally, when a non-SSO user logs out and attempts to log in again, the page will display an expanded view showing fields for email and password, saving the user's state locally.

The page will be responsive and maintain usability across all devices and screen sizes.

Other Improvements:

  • If SSO is later disabled, the user will receive a password reset email instead of the previous message ("Login with SSO" instead of "Reset your password").

  • The system will remember the user's preferred login flow.

Impacted Areas:

  • Web App

  • Mobile Web Browser

  • Outlook Add-in

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